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How much...

Lähetetty: Ke 12.03.2008 02:07
Kirjoittaja Forced_Induction
...power are the OM617 M and MW pumps good for without changing the elements, only governor modifications/adjustments?

Several have done the MW limiter mod and supposedly its good for around 175hp but nobody has put their car on a dyno after doing it.

I got an M-pump today and I'm planning on having Myna modify it when the $ vs € price comes back down. Is there a set € price Myna charges for upgrading an M-pump?

Lähetetty: To 13.03.2008 14:41
Kirjoittaja Forced_Induction
How about the M-Pump modified with 6mm elements from the OM606a?

Lähetetty: La 15.03.2008 00:05
Kirjoittaja Mitch H
It has been a couple of years since I talked to Antti A. about this, but if I recall correctly the price was around €800 for a 602 and €1000 for a 603. This would be the full mod with the 7mm elements, custom governor and external full load adjustment.

Are you planning on the $US becoming worth something in the future, or the € joining the $US in worthlessness? The latter might be possible, the former, forget it. The fed is trying to inflate our way to prosperity, or at least to keep the blinders on the populace until November 5th.

Lähetetty: La 15.03.2008 11:48
Kirjoittaja Forced_Induction
Mitch H kirjoitti:Are you planning on the $US becoming worth something in the future, or the € joining the $US in worthlessness?
One or the other. Hopefully it doesn't become like the situation with the British Pound. The Euro is "only" 1.57:1 with the dollar but the Pound is a lofty 2:1, which really sucks since eBay UK has alot of great VNT turbochargers that I really really want.

€800-€1000 ($1250-$1550) really isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Only about ~$600 more than a normal rebuild would cost around here.